Read about Spiral Duct Manufacturer’s Association's upcoming golf outing, what to expect from a sheet metal apprenticeship and more:
SNIPS is now SNIPS NEWS, a Special Section of The ACHR NEWS! Our rebranded The Cut eNewsletter will continue to deliver the same important, up-to-date insights on tech, trends, news & events for sheet metal workers and contractors, but is now supported by a new website,!
Spiral Duct Manufacturer’s Association (SPIDA) honors Sheet Metal Industry Icon Bill Bradford’s legacy with an annual award recognizing employees throughout the industry who embody his ethics.
Polymer elements in cooling towers — or entire towers made of composite materials, like Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) — can reduce the weight by up to 50%.
A common bathroom exhaust ducting mistake is reducing the 6-inch ERV take offs to the 4-inch duct that’s commonly used in bathroom fans. Reducing would cut the potential CFMs approximately 20 percent or more.
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