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7 Surprising Benefits of Collaboration Technology for Manufacturers
Your organization has the ability to share information that offers benefits along the entire supply chain.
Centralized collaboration technology in cloud ERP solutions can help you manage operations more efficiently. It brings employees together from locations around the world by hosting data and information that serves as a single source of truth.
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Push Past These Common Manufacturing Challenges
Manufacturers have a tough job- even under ideal circumstances.
If the everyday challenges aren’t enough, demanding customers, supply chain disruptions, and shutdowns have forced manufacturers to adapt to change more rapidly than ever before. Instead of pushing against the same challenges, how can you break through and prosper?
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How Smart Factories Drive Remote Work Capabilities
2020 saw a surge in remote work with companies experiencing shutdowns and business disruptions.
But thanks to Industry 4.0 and smart factory technologies, many resilient businesses were able to adapt. Businesses want to gain insight into their customers, suppliers, and products. To meet this level of growth, manufacturers need to embrace the principles of Industry 4.0.
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Are You Missing These Manufacturing Analytics That Could Increase Revenue?
By implementing an ERP system, more manufacturers gain access to a set of game-changing analytics that let their businesses prosper.
Data analytics may sound simple but delivering the right data to the right user – at the right time – is quite complex. If done right, it can be a productivity boon.
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The True Cost of Ownership When Choosing Between the Cloud and On-Premises Deployment
Examine which cost factors should be accounted for, as well as additional thoughts on the role of cloud as a long-term strategic driver
Cloud is becoming more and more pervasive. When evaluating software, companies are more commonly finding themselves in a position of weighing a cloud offering against an on-premises offering. There are several factors to consider when deciding which model is right for you, but one of the first factors to consider is choice.
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US Manufacturing Technology Orders Increase 12% Over January 2020
U.S. Manufacturing Technology Orders totaled $322.5 million in January 2021, a 29% decrease from December 2020, but a 12% increase over January 2020, according to the latest U.S. Manufacturing Technology Orders report published by AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology.
Don’t Try to Beat AI, Join It!
Automation will give, as well as take, opportunities for human workers. |